How Can I Move A Youtube Video?

How Can I Move A YouTube Video From One Channel To Another?

This question is often asked among YouTube users.

The truth is that you can’t!


Google’s official statement on this is:

[ms_custom_box backgroundimage=”” fixed_background=”yes” background_position=”center center” padding=”50″ class=”” id=””]

“… you can’t transfer data from one channel to another (this includes videos).”
“You can’t merge or link separate YouTube channels or automatically transfer data from one channel to another.”



You do however have the option of re-uploading the video.

We will discuss the steps below but consider these cons:

  1. View count and other statistics will start over

  2. Links to your video will be broken


If you still want to move your video, after weighing the cons, follow these steps:


  1. Log into YouTube account where the video is that you want to move.

  2. Go to Video Manager

  3. Find the video that you want to move

  4. Click the edit button to the right

  5. From the dropdown select Download Mp4.

  6. Log into the destination YouTube account.

  7. Select Upload from the top right corner.

Remember: View count and other statistics will start over for the new upload.


We hope this post is helpful!

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